The best way to get the most comprehensive nautical coverage is to use the Admiralty Vector Chart Service or AVCS. It provides an extensive range of Electronic Navigation Charts or ENCs. It is a digital nautical chart service approved by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office or UKHO. The charts made available through this service come from various global hydrographic offices.
With the help of AVCS, shipping crews are provided Electronic Chart Display and Information System or ECDIS to easily navigate major shipping routes, including Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Malacca Strait, Indonesia, and many others.
Safety is a major concern when you are at sea. Keeping this in mind, a UKHO certificate is provided to every ship employing AVCS. This ensures that guidelines under SOLAS Chapter V are properly fulfilled by all ENCs. The implementation of International safety management or ISM Code is also very necessary for ensuring the safety of ships as well as people inside them. Being cautious and safe is always better than being ignorant.
The Admiralty Information Overlay or AIO comes as an added feature with AVCS without any additional cost. The AIO warns crews about areas of uncertainties and risks so that they can take a route that doesn't have any obstacles.
With the help of AVCS, shipping crews are provided Electronic Chart Display and Information System or ECDIS to easily navigate major shipping routes, including Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Malacca Strait, Indonesia, and many others.
Safety is a major concern when you are at sea. Keeping this in mind, a UKHO certificate is provided to every ship employing AVCS. This ensures that guidelines under SOLAS Chapter V are properly fulfilled by all ENCs. The implementation of International safety management or ISM Code is also very necessary for ensuring the safety of ships as well as people inside them. Being cautious and safe is always better than being ignorant.
The Admiralty Information Overlay or AIO comes as an added feature with AVCS without any additional cost. The AIO warns crews about areas of uncertainties and risks so that they can take a route that doesn't have any obstacles.