Sunday, 5 March 2017

CFR 47: The Telecommunications Code Of Federal Regulations

The standard codification that is followed by all the executive departments and agencies of the US federal government is a comprehensive set of general rules and regulations. These are published in the US Federal Register as well as maintained online in an unofficial version.

Before trying to understand the CFR 47, it is important to understand the very purpose of CFR and that is, to organize and present the federal as well as the general regulations in a formal way. The title 47 of CFR is a part of Federal Communications Commission’s rules regarding unlicensed transmissions. It is everything to do with broadcasting and unintentional emissions.

This title is one of those that are mandatory to be followed by maritime companies who manage navigation charts and operate commercial vessels. These companies are anyway obligated to comply with the US CFR when they are on US waters. When it comes to the enforcement agencies dealing with these, the US Coast Guard acts as one of the main ones. The other titles that govern the US maritime industry include CFR 29, CFR 33, CFR 46 and CFR 49, each of them dealing with a different set of regulations directed at particular areas like transportation, navigation and navigable waters, shipping and labor.    

Why Do You Need British Admiralty Charts When At Sea?

When you are at sea, whether for recreational or commercial purposes, your life is always at risk. Negotiating different conditions and choosing the best possible route to reach your destination is crucial to make sure that you make the most of your journey and reach your intended destination without any loss. This is where nautical charts come into play.

British Admiralty nautical charts have been the standard for every sea vessel since the time they first came into existence. These are developed by United Kingdom Hydrographic Office or UKHO, and are referred worldwide for safe navigation. When you buy these charts, you should make sure that you buy them from a source that has trained and experienced cartographers who regularly update them in accordance with the most recent of notices issued by different agencies. One more thing that proves their genuineness and worth is that they are approved by US Coast Guard as well. So, you can always trust these.

However, you should make sure that you use the nautical chart scale that perfectly fits your needs. These charts come with routing guide supplements that can help you plan your route in the most challenging of conditions and locations.

Another important thing to keep handy when you are navigating the sea is the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code Or IMSBC. This code provides you information about dangers that you may face while shipping certain bulk cargoes. So, refer to this code and the information it contains.