Friday, 10 August 2018

Make Navigation Easy With Best Nautical Charts

America’s marine transportation system is enormous. Billion metric tons of cargo is shipped in and out of the US every year. Without right nautical navigation tools such as nautical charts, accurate positioning services, ocean and weather observations, it will be very difficult to ensure that shipments are move swiftly as well as safely along the marine highways.

If we talk about the navigation charts, in particular, they play a crucial role in maritime transport. They provide every important information like locations, water depths, characteristics of aids to navigation, possible dangers , anchorages, and more.

Although there are a lot of publishers of navigation charts, going to every publishers’ website and checking out their charts one-by-one can be pretty tiring and a time-consuming task. Instead, you should go to a website that allows you to buy charts of various publishers at one place.

There are online stores which have their specialization in various nautical navigation tools. You can contact these stores for nautical charts, books, maritime compliance, and services. On these websites, you get to choose from a variety of chart publishers such as UKHO, NOAA, and NGA.

You can get the following charts:-

  • Harbor
  • Coastal
  • Sailing
  • Transit
  • General

Place your order today!

All You Need To Know About Code Of Federal Regulations

Do you own a maritime company and sailing under the flag of The United States? Well, there are certain rules and regulations that are laid out by the US government that you need to abide by.

It is the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CRF) that sets out all the policies, rules and procedures laid out by the administrative bodies comprising the federal government. It is also sometimes known as the administrative law.

The CFR is divided into 50 regularly updated titles that represent broad subject areas. Few of these include:

  • Grants and Agreements
  • Federal Elections
  • Aliens and Nationality
  • Business Credit and Assistance
  • Commercial Practices
  • Food and Drugs
  • Housing and Urban Development
  • Navigation and Navigable Waters
  • Emergency Management and Assistance

If you are operating your business within the U.S. waters, know that you are obligated to to comply with these U.S. code of federal regulations. Most of the regulations that govern the U.S. maritime industry are CFR 29 which is Labor, CFR 33 which is Navigation and Navigable Waters, CFR 46 which is Shipping, CFR 47 which is Telecommunication and CFR 49 which is Transportation.

CFR is basically the codification of various general and permanent rules published by the Office of the Federal Register and the Government Publishing Office. So, if you are planning to own a maritime company or already own one, know that you have to abide by these laid rules and regulations.