This is necessary for all from a cargo ship to a recreational vessel on the water to make proper use of international code flags to communicate with other ships and to be identifiable by other ships passing by. The flag codes can be sued by a single ship or in combination with one another to communicate. Nautical boating flags are designed with a combination of colors, e.g., black and white; red and white; blue and yellow; blue and white; and plain red, which one can easily see from a significant distance. Every code flag holds a specific message that is meant to signal accompanying ships and boats to take specific actions.
With time flag codes came in place as an important mode of communication since ships started sailing. As a matter of fact, flags have always been an integral part of shipping but the extent and necessity of usage have relatively reduced over a period of time owing to advancements in technology. Despite the expansion of smart technology, the code signal flags are yet significant to shipping as there could be chances even for the smartest technology to go out of order. So have them in place in case you may need sometimes.
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